Hudson Valley Wineries Participating in New York City's Premiere NY Wine Event - NY Drinks NY 2013

Jim Trezise wrote in this weekend's edition of The Wine Press (3/2/13), "Sold Out! Sorry, folks, but our NYDrinksNY tasting on March 18 at Astor Center in Manhttan was sold out right after last weekend's Wine Press went out. Our inaugural tasting last year also sold out, but not nearly as early, so clearly the word has gotten out. The private tasting for trade and media in the afternoon is also full, a rarity in New York City where so many invitations to tastings are extended. It's a tribute to our agency, First Press Public Relations, as well as to the quality of New York wines and their spreading reputation."
That's great news for New Yorkers and New York wine!
The Second Annual NY Drinks NY Grand Tasting at Astor Center takes place on Monday, March 18, 2013 from 6 to 8 PM.
Taste more than 200 wines from 41 New York wineries from the Finger Lakes, Long Island, Hudson River Region, Niagara Escarpment, Lake Erie and Thousand Islands. Fine New York cheeses and other local fare provided by the New York Wine & Culinary Center.
New York City has long been one of the main crossroads of wine in the world. It's denizens have been drinking imported wines since the colonies were first founded...that's almost 400 years of mported wines. But New York state has been making making wine for centures. And it's been making great wine for decades!
New York offers a variety of wines from fine Sauvignon Blancs, Rieslings, and Chardonnays, to Merlot, Cabernet Franc, and Pinot Noir, to fine blends, to dessert wines and fruit wines. And the quality and taste are better than ever before. Many of the participating wineries have been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Wine Enthusiast, Wine Spectator,, and many, many more!
NY Drinks NY is easilly and quickly become the premiere wine event in the New York wine promotional calendar, and the kind of sigature event New York wine has been deserving of! The show performs double duty, by showcasing New York state wines for press, media, bloggers, as well as liquor store owners, resteratuers, and many others professionally involved in wine. And the evening portion of the event gives New York wine enthusiasts the opportunity to sample the ares of it's artisnal quality producers. This is a win-win everytime!
If you missed the opportunity to participate in the Monday night event, I strongly urge you to seek out some of the "Partner Events" in and around New York City all this week to sample some of the wineries who will be featured this March! Click on the link here to find out a place and date easiest for you!
Kudos to Jim Trezise, First Press Public Relations, and most of all, to all the New York wineries that make New York wine one of the most competitive wine regions in the world....and one that is moving forward.
Patricipating wineries include:
Benmarl Winery
156 Highland Avenue
Marlboro, NY 12542
Clinton Vineyards
450 Schultzville Road,
Clinton Corners, NY 12514
Hudson-Chatham Winery
1900 Route 66
Ghent, NY 12075
518-392- 9463
Verity Wine Partners
Millbrook Vineyards And Winery
26 Wing Road
Millbrook, NY 12545
Stoutridge Vineyard
10 Ann Kaley Lane
Marlboro, NY 12542
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