Dowd on Drinks Highlights Brookview Station and Warwick Valley

Dowd On Drinks: Cider Not Just For Autumn Anymore
Written by William M. Dowd
Thursday, 05 June 2008
Writes Dowd:
"This might seem an odd time to think about apple ciders and apple wines, but don't be surprised if you end up serving some at your Fourth of July backyard picnic."
"The ancient libations, habitually the object of consumer attention in the fall when apple harvests take place, are part of a growing niche in the U.S. and elsewhere as more and more entrepreneurs look for products that will endear them to those consumers."
"And it's not just boutique American cider and wine producers who are making their presence felt. Larger foreign producers, particularly from the United Kingdom, are targeting the U.S. market with their latest apple-based products."
Apple-based ciders and wines are becoming a steadily increasing slice of business for a cluster of producers in the area where New York, Massachusetts and Vermont come together near Albany, N.Y.
The Brookview Station Winery at the Goold Orchard in Castleton, N.Y., turns out a line of apple wines. The North River Winery of Jacksonville, Vt., offers 18 different wines made from apples as well as other fruits. And, nearby in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts, the Furnace Brook Winery at Hilltop Orchards makes wine and cider from apples to supplement its line of grape wines.
In various winemaking competitions, apple cider and apple wine products have been winning medals.
At the latest Hudson Valley Commercial Wine Competition held in upstate
New York, for example, the Cornell Cup for "Best Hudson River Region (AVA)Wine" went to Brookview Station Winery's 2006 Semi-Dry Apple Wine, and the gold medal for best sparkling fruit wine went to Doc's Hard Apple Cider, produced by Warwick Valley Winery & Distillery which is located just an hour's drive north of midtown Manhattan.
And, in an otherwise grape-centric region of upstate New York, judges for the Finger Lakes International Wine
You may want to do some editing on the posting you did concerning my column on ciders. The first paragraph is shown twice and several places have extra spaces between lines that skew the paragraphs oddly.
Other than that, thanks for mentioning the column.
The best overall way to access my writing on wines, spirits and non-alcoholic beverages is directly at my "Dowd On Drinks" site at
Any other links are usually to newspapers that get my column through paid syndication (NY Times and Hearst News services) and there's no way of telling how long they'll stay on their Web.
Bill Dowd
"Dowd On Drinks"
7 Hyland Circle
Troy, New York USA 12182
518 / 238-1950
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