Happy Bitch - The Book and the Wines - A Lifetyle Brand

Happy Bitch is an excellent example of cross promotion and brand building. You can buy the book, the ebook, the wine, the glasses, and the t-shirts.Keryl Pesce and Debbie Gioquindo have developed Happy Bitch into a lifestyle brand they will continue to expand.
Cheryl Pesce wrote a book called Happy Bitch: The Girlfriend's Straight Up Guide to Losing the Baggage and Finding the Fun, Fabulous You Inside...
The Amazon description says: "Have you ever wondered why some women are miserable bitches and others are happy bitches? The answers might surprise you. Join Keryl Pesce as she shares her newfound perspective and strength following a painful divorce. Follow along and learn how regardless of your baggage, you too can transform your life from one of heartache and struggle to one of peace and lasting happiness. Imagine being freed from regrets of the past and worries about the future. Yes! It is possible! The truth is, it's easier than you think. You already hold the secret to happiness in your hands right this very moment."
The $15.60 paperback and the $9.95 ebook are both available at Amazon.com. The paperback is also available at Barnes & Noble.com for $13.40.

The wine itself is a no lose proposition - a pink, sparkling wine, with just the lightest whiff of sweetness, much like a prosecco. It's fun, pink, and goes down easy. It's well made and well packaged, and looks great in almost any wine glass, especially a sparkling wine flute.

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