Senator Schumer: Marketing can put Hudson Valley Wine Trail on the Map

Schumer and winery president Hernan Donoso check
out the wine casks
WASHINGTONVILLE – Millions of international tourists visit New York City and the Hudson Valley each year, but few get to the more than 40 wineries in the area. A marketing campaign is needed, said Senator Charles Schumer, who visited the Brotherhood Winery in Washingtonville Wednesday afternoon.
Schumer called on Brand USA, a public-private partnership between the travel industry and the U.S. Commerce Department, to develop a partnership with wineries in Orange County and the Hudson Valley.
“Work with local wineries to develop a brand new strategy that will attract some of those tourists to help bring new tourists and thus new jobs into the Hudson Valley economy,” the senator said.
Schumer said part of the branding campaign could include billboards that would be seen by international arriving passengers leaving JFK Airport, and audio ads in taxis.
This would be a mostly privately funded initiative, although Brand USA does receive some federal funding.
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